Monday, June 29, 2009

a sad day

My husband's grandmother died early this morning. She'd been suffering from Altzheimer's for several years, and it's been at least a year since she could understand who I was. About a month ago, she tried to walk without her walker and fell. She didn't break anything, but she hurt her back and has been on pain medication ever since. My husband went to visit her two weeks ago when she'd taken a turn for the worse. She wasn't eating much, just nutritional supplement "ice cream," but she could follow a conversation, and with a little help could recognize my husband as her grandson. She has a lot of grandchildren, but she doesn't see most of them very often. Three live in the US, and one is in Japan. I don't hear much about the others.

My mother-in-law called us this weekend to say that the end was near and grandmother was unconscious. We were out of town having a family outing (more on that later). I don't know if she expected us to come, but we did not.

My daughter was very sad to hear the news when she came home from school today, and cried for a few minutes. Then, like with the flip of a switch, she wanted to go to see if the neighbor kids were home.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

keeping busy

Summer weather has finally arrived with temperatures in the 70's, but it's been oddly windy--not just the usual breezy, but blow the patio furniture around windy. Elk have been unusually scarce this year, but we have had regular visits by a roe doe and her fawn.

I've been working on processing the pictures from the weddings I photographed the last weekend in May and then two weeks later. I'm definitely getting faster with this, and I'm pleased to be making good progress. I also had the pleasure of photographing a cat-lady. She had the most adorable british shorthair kittens. We will probably meet again next week, and I'll give do a workshop with her on how to use her deceased husband's camera. He was a professional photographer who had a lot better stuff than I do. He died about a year and a half ago. She sold some of his most expensive stuff, and I'm giving her camera lessons in exchange for gadgets.

My daughter has been enjoying her swimming lessons and has for the first time earned a milestone pin. There's about a hundred of these pins for various combinations of accomplishments, and they're sold by the swimming club. Naturally she wants to collect them all, so this could get expensive. I told her I'd buy her the pin for the highest level she completes at the end of swimming lessons. Last year, she did not earn a pin beause she refused to jump in from the edge of the pool. I found that really strange since she's usually so fearless, but she's also phenomonally stubborn.

Swimming lessons cost only 200 SEK (~$25) and are every day for a month. What a deal! Luckily for me, for the first three weeks she gets to go together with her after-school program (which is full time now that school's out). Unfortunately, the after-school program is only open for one more week, then they are closed for a month. I'm not sure what we'll do with our daughter then since we both have to work.

Today we're off for a family outing to a classic car show.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Happy summer solstice to everyone! Here in Sweden, Midsommar is the kickoff to summer. The festivities start on Friday, Midsummer's Eve. While not officially a holiday (except for those with government related jobs), pretty much everyone takes the day off. Despite very stressful times at work with layoffs, reorganization, and such, my husband was able to take the day off too. (One of his colleagues made the mistake of taking the week off, and may have been cut because of it. Nobody dares to take a real vacation this summer even though it is customary that people take at least a month off during the summer.)

Our daughter went with my husband's mother to celebrate with some of her friends on a farm. She had a great time, and we had the luxury of not having to do anything. I went grocery shopping and attempted to tidy up around the house. The pantry and freezer are restocked, but the house is still a disaster.

It rained less on Saturday, so between showers we did some gardening. I trimmed the dead stuff off the cottoneaster bushes and pulled four wheelbarrels full of weeds. It has rained so much recently that it was not that difficult to pull ragweed and thistles, which usually sit pretty tight. I also got a whole bunch of stinging nettles, and a ton the vine-type weed that sticks to everything (I don't know what it's called). I used gloves and wore long sleeves, but my arms are still tingling from being nettled. It's like when your foot wakes up after falling asleep, except it lasts for days. Then it starts to itch a little. For me it usually takes about a week to get over nettle stings. For my husband, it takes about 5 minutes.

Between spurts of gardening, we ate the traditional Midsommar food together with my mother in law. For lunch we had: pickled herring, boiled new potatoes with dill, sour cream, and chives, veggies with dip, meatballs (for those of us who aren't into herring), hard boiled eggs, bread and cheese. For dinner, we finally assembled the propane grill I baught last year, and we grilled some marinated pork and ate that together with leftover veggies and potatoes. Dessert was the much anticipated strawberries with whipped cream, and I also made lemon bars since I don't like strawberries.

Today we're off to visit friends in Denmark.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

been a while

I know it's been a while since I've had time to blog. Time flies. We're now about half way through a three week visit from my mom and her husband. They've been having a great time playing with their granddaughter after school and on weekends. Right now they're on a mini vacation to Båstad, but they're coming back this afternoon.

Anyone who's seen my house knows that we don't have anyplace to put guests, so they've rented a house in the town where my daughter goes to school. This works out quite well. They have room to spread out, they aren't plagued by my cats, and they can walk to the grocery store and school.

I photographed an all day wedding last Saturday, and I'm doing another wedding next Saturday. I've been struggling to get as much as possible done on the first before I have to start working on the second. Luckily couple #2 will be taking a honeymoon, so I'll have that time to get caught up.

Tomorrow is Election Day here--yup on a Sunday. We're supposed to vote on which parties will represent Sweden in the EU. I read the newspaper every day, but I feel like I have very little information on what the parties want to accomplish in the EU. I know what they're about here in Sweden, but what gets decided at an EU level? I don't even know what the issues are. The only party which has done a good job explaining their position is the Pirate party. (That would be copyright pirates, internet style, named after the famous Swedish website for sharing movies and music, Pirate Bay.) Polling says they're likely to gain representation in the EU even though they're a one-issue party. That doesn't surprise me.

I suppose I'd better stop blogging and go try to get informed.