Thursday, July 17, 2008


Today I went to Marknad with my husband and daughter. A Marknad is kind of like a fair in that it has a variety of vendors and carnival type entertainment. Most towns have a Marknad once or twice per year, but this was by far the biggest in the area. We usually go every year. Popular items for sale this year were handmade jewelry, imitation crocs (brightly colored plastic clogs), socks, T-shirts, cheap/tacky clothes and purses, candy, cheap toys, cheap tools, fruit, hand painted rocks, kitchen implements, flower pots, bottles, and other decorative items. What I usually look forward to at the Marknad is the food: a full range of greasy fast food including, sausages, hamburgers, kebabs, tacos, thai takeout, fried pickled herring sandwiches, pizza, piroges, donuts, cotton candy, frozen bananas, ice cream, slushies, beer, sodas, roasted almonds, and a variety of chips, breads, and other baked goods. My favorite is Langos. It's kind of like native american fry bread except it's topped with garlic, sour cream, red onions, and cheese. My husband likes them with shrimp and caviar as well. OK, so it's like fried grease with fat on top, but I only eat it once per year. Then I get jelly donuts for dessert.

My daughter wanted to go on the carnival rides, so we didn't do much shopping (no loss, really). She started with the bumper cars which she thoroughly enjoyed. Then she wanted to go on a ride that spins like teacups and goes up and down in waves. There was no way I'd get through that without losing my dinner, and since my husband didn't want her to go alone, he went with her. BIG mistake. HUGE. He's been absolutely green for the rest of the evening. The squirt loved it, of course. After a futile attempt to walk it off and a trip to the portapotties, we were back at the bumper cars. My daughter ran into a classmate there, so they wore themselves out on the bumper cars, a giant inflatable slide, and a small roller coaster. Fortunately he was content with the kid-friendly rides, so there was no more begging for the vomit comet or such.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Yum. I'm hungry, so reading your blog is making me hanker for some fair food. Scary! But dinner's almost ready, so I guess I'm safe :).