Monday, July 6, 2009

major bummer

While doing laundry in the basement on Sunday, I discovered water dripping from the ceiling in the corner. No stalactites or stalagmites yet, so this was a relatively fresh drip. We quickly put this together with the strange noises from the radiators and realized that it was a leak in the radiator system. We stopped the leak by turning off the radiators. Good thing it's summer.

It turns out that the leak was under the cement floor between the front door and the bathroom. We redid this floor and put in insulation and in-floor heating about 8 years ago. In order to fix the leak, we'll have to break up the floor and repour the cement. If we're really careful and lucky, we might be able to get away with redoing only a few square feet in the corner. If we're not so lucky and the in-floor heating is damaged, we'll have to redo the whole room.

My husband's grandmother's funeral will be on Monday, and his brothers are coming from the US this weekend. For now, everything's moved out of that half of the room and the vinyl floor is pulled up so the cement can dry. The repairs will have to wait until after our guests leave.

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