Thursday, September 2, 2010

At home...

It's been a while since I've written about what's actually happening now. I guess that's because there isn't much happening now. School started a couple of weeks ago. My daughter's in the second grade now and loving it. She's still playing the violin, and she's taking a dance class too. Soccer is a bit up in the air since she's age-wise between teams. She's at least two years older than the kids in the younger team, but she's not ready to compete with the older team. I've asked if she can practice with the older team (but not compete), and we're waiting for their response. She has quit the piano since she had a hard time getting along with the teacher.

I'm still involved with my network for female small business owners and also with a group helping with integration for immigrants, and both of these groups have started up again after the summer.

I'd been hoping for some late summer weather, but that hasn't really panned out. There are some beautiful days like today, in between all the rain, but it's not warm. I've been faked out a couple of times and went out in short sleeves only to regret it later. The nights are downright cold, and the leaves are beginning to turn yellow.

My husband's been in the US again--gone 2 week, then home 2 weeks, then gone again. He's home now, but it still feels like I'm doing the single-parent thing.

Now I've got a cold now too. Bummer.

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