Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Psychadelic Ode to Spring

This week started off in the most bizarre way at 4:00 on Monday morning. I was dreaming that I was in the middle of a very large, very crowded pond of ducks. It was kind of scary. And then I sort of woke up. I oriented myself and glanced at the clock, but the ducks were still there. It sounded like there were hundreds of them all around me. I didn't realize that I'd spoken, but my husband replied, "Yes, it's ducks." I went back to sleep and began to wonder if I'd dremt the whole thing, but I figured it was too weird not to be true. My husband later confirmed that it was quite foggy out and a huge flock of ducks had landed in the field outside our bedroom windows. These ducks were quacking up a storm. Later in the day, a flock of geese flew over, but they were nowhere near as noisy.

The day later turned out to be sunny, and it was followed by four more sunny days. (Around here, that's really unusual). This has been a very busy week for me, so I've hardly had a chance to enjoy the sunshine. I've had a lot to do to get ready for a bridal show this weekend and the annual art show at Easter. I also had to help my husband get ready for his week-long business trip to San Francisco. To make matters worse, I think my washing machine is dying. A few months ago it started having problems getting off balance when centrifuging heavy loads. This has been happening with increasing frequency, and now it's not just heavy loads. In fact, it's no longer just centrifuging that's the problem; it doesn't even pump out the water. I now spend a lot of time setting the machine at different points in the cycle and hoping that I can trick it into doing what needs to be done.

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