Saturday, June 27, 2009

keeping busy

Summer weather has finally arrived with temperatures in the 70's, but it's been oddly windy--not just the usual breezy, but blow the patio furniture around windy. Elk have been unusually scarce this year, but we have had regular visits by a roe doe and her fawn.

I've been working on processing the pictures from the weddings I photographed the last weekend in May and then two weeks later. I'm definitely getting faster with this, and I'm pleased to be making good progress. I also had the pleasure of photographing a cat-lady. She had the most adorable british shorthair kittens. We will probably meet again next week, and I'll give do a workshop with her on how to use her deceased husband's camera. He was a professional photographer who had a lot better stuff than I do. He died about a year and a half ago. She sold some of his most expensive stuff, and I'm giving her camera lessons in exchange for gadgets.

My daughter has been enjoying her swimming lessons and has for the first time earned a milestone pin. There's about a hundred of these pins for various combinations of accomplishments, and they're sold by the swimming club. Naturally she wants to collect them all, so this could get expensive. I told her I'd buy her the pin for the highest level she completes at the end of swimming lessons. Last year, she did not earn a pin beause she refused to jump in from the edge of the pool. I found that really strange since she's usually so fearless, but she's also phenomonally stubborn.

Swimming lessons cost only 200 SEK (~$25) and are every day for a month. What a deal! Luckily for me, for the first three weeks she gets to go together with her after-school program (which is full time now that school's out). Unfortunately, the after-school program is only open for one more week, then they are closed for a month. I'm not sure what we'll do with our daughter then since we both have to work.

Today we're off for a family outing to a classic car show.


Maestro said...

So.... um.... if the cat photos magically appeared on with captions... how bad would that be? :-)

Lani said...

I suppose I'd get over it if you sent me a link.