Friday, September 18, 2009


Tomorrow I have a wedding to photograph--the last one of the four I had booked for this summer. Fortunately I also had some other small jobs in between. My husband is in the US on a business trip, so his mother is watching our daughter for the weekend.

When I got home from dropping her off this evening, I found our driveway, courtyard, and front yard full of cows. They looked at my car but were not impressed. As I called the farmer from my car, they eventually stepped out of my way enough that I could park the car. The farmer drove up, and about half of the cows followed him back towards their pasture. The rest of the cows were busy sucking plums off the plum tree and couldn't be bothered with anything else. It's hard to describe what that sounded like, but I'll never forget it. I went out with a flashlight and tried to get them to move along. I clapped, I stomped, I gestured like I was directing traffic. The cows gave me the evil eye and went back to the plums. "Mooooooooove," I said. The cows mooed back. I don't speak cow, but I don't think they were kind words. "Mooooooooove!" I repeated, and they did. I'm sure it helped that the farmer was also calling them.

In other news, my pantry is still free from meal worms--thank goodness! Violin lessons are going okay. My fingers seem to remember what to do, but my brain doesn't remember much more than scales. I'll have to dig through some of those boxes that we never unpacked and see if I still have any of my sheet music. My husband's contract was renewed for another year. Last Friday, some workmen came to jackhammer up the floor in the front room where the radiator pipe was leaking. They were supposed to come and pour new cement this week, but (no surprise) that didn't happen. Hopefully it will get done soon, because it's getting really cold at night. The days are still pretty nice. I will not tempt fate by saying the F-word, but the leaves are starting to turn. I have decided that summer will last through September. I'm not in denial, but I have to go now and put more wood in the fireplace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your daughter told me that when she went to her Famor's her Famor had a "chicken meeting". She could not discribe it because she was not there to attend it.
I just had a hen party. Is it anything close?
The other grandma