Thursday, May 13, 2010

Where's spring?

I've been trying not to complain about the weather, but without that, one doesn't seem to have much to talk about these days. It's beautiful and green, and the trees are getting their leaves, but it's still cold. So cold that everyone's asking, "Where's spring?"

After the bonfires of Valborg, I did as I usually do which was wash and put away our winter coats. They weren't away for more than a couple days before I had to bring them back.

Last week there were a couple of days that were so windy that our daughter's trampoline blew into the forest. This was the first time that it's blown in the year that we've had it, so while it's often very windy here, it hasn't been THIS windy. We discovered this as I was driving my daughter to school, and she was absolutely distraught. We're talking sobbing so hard she was gasping for air. I felt bad dropping her off at school in this condition, but what could I do? The trampoline had the net around it, so it was very heavy. We had to dismantle it to get it out of the forest. The part that holds up the net took some damage, so we might not bother to put that back. Luckily the rest of it was easily repaired with just a little welding, so it's back in place and usable again. Yesterday it was super windy again. Without the extra weight of the net, I was afraid it would blow away again, so we weighed down the legs with logs. Besides the wind, it also dumped rain sideways. It was as if someone was squirting us with a fire hose.

Last weekend was the long awaited start of the car season with cruising in Ystad. We took the Cadillac with the top down even though it was only 43 F/6 C and drizzling. There weren't as many cars as in previous years. They estimate 450 instead of 700, but it was nice anyhow. Our daughter really enjoyed waving to the spectators and people in the other cars.

This weekend is a long one, starting today with "Christ's Journey to Heaven Day." Fortunately the wind and rain have died down, since we're helping my mother in law take stuff to the dump. Tomorrow I'll be photographing a big wedding at a lovely castle, then on Saturday my husband and I leave for Budapest where he'll be attending a conference. We'll be driving there, which costs about what it does for one person to fly, and without the hassles of volcanic ash. It's an estimated 14 hour drive, but I'm looking forward to seeing Eastern Europe. Besides Berlin, I really haven't been there at all.

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