Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away

It's rained pretty much every day now for the past two weeks. There was one day last week where it was dry enough to mow the lawn, but I really didn't feel like doing it because I was in the middle of putting together a wedding album. (That's something that's best done with as few interruptions as possible so I don't have to spend a lot of time looking back to see if I've used a picture already of a person has been included too often or not enough.) Even though we have a ride-on lawnmower, it still takes me 3 hours to mow the lawn. Anyway, the lawn's a jungle now, and I really wished I'd done it when I had the chance. When I finally do get to mow, I'll have to do it slower in order to get a decent cut, and that's even more mind numbing.

Today was one of those days where it rained consistently from a uniformly dark sky all day. Blah! It was the same last weekend also. Usually this is the time of year for showers. The type of weather where it's sunny and gorgeous one minute and dumping rain the next. Rainbow weather. Good for plants and bugs and frogs, but not so good for lawnmowers since the wet grass tends to get all clumped up inside.

The weather report always seems to predict better weather a couple days out, so when it doesn't materialize I'm always disappointed. You'd think I'd know better by now. So here's hoping for some sun, or at least more rainbows.

FOLLOWUP: I should have mentioned that I took this picture about 45 minutes from here as I was leaving a wedding I had photographed a couple weeks ago. Also, to answer a question, yes it is cooler when it rains. Of course heat is rarely a problem here. The last couple weeks the high temperatures have been under 20 C/68 F).

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