Saturday, August 23, 2008


There's a first time for everything, and today I was stung by a wasp. I suppose it's pretty amazing that I've managed to go almost 40 years without being stung by a bee, wasp, hornet, or such. My policy has always been to remain calm and leave them alone, and they have left me alone. Until today.

I was dropping my daughter off at a friend's house when I felt something in my hair. It was rainy and windy, so a leaf would not have been improbable. There are tons of wasps this summer, but in this weather, I never would have guessed that I had a wasp in my hair. Well I did, and when I brushed it off, it stuck to my thumb stinging me. I felt stupid just watching it sting me, but I feared swatting it might get me injected with a bug juice as well, and that probably wouldn't be so good.

It hurt a bit at first, but the pain quickly intensified, and I was surprised how much it hurt. After a couple minutes, my entire hand was stiff and achy, and my thumb was purple and in agony! After a few more minutes, my whole hand was throbbing, and the pain had spread half way to my elbow. I thought this must be what getting bit by a snake feels like. After two hours, the pain began to subside, and after four hours, I could use my hand again. I now totally understand why my daughter screamed like a banshee and was inconsolable for an hour when she got stung on the lower leg last month. She now totally panics at the sight of a wasp. I wonder if I will be able to remain calm next time I encounter one.

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