Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Our Hertz rental car in Florida came with a GPS called Neverlost. After a couple of days, I wished for a black sharpie pen to get rid of the N. Everlost was a much better name for it. We came to think of it as the on-board entertainment system.

I drove to my step-sister's house nearly every day, and while I had the GPS on, I'm glad I googled driving instructions and wrote them down. As far as we could tell, Everlost thought she lives in the Everglades. Even when I was just a few blocks from her house, it would beg me to turn the opposite direction, yet when I was a few houses away, it smuggly announced "you have arrived at your destination" as if it could claim any credit for that accomplishment. Usually the directions it gave were the same, but one day it suddenly instructed me to get off the highway even though I was only half way there, and take surface streets. (No, it doesn't receive input on traffic, and there wasn't any.)

We asked it to find Harbor Freight Tools, and it tried to send us to Ohio. For something else, it suggested Alabama. It would frequently instruct us to make a U-turn a block from our destination, so we always needed a map and the street address to find our way. We were baffled that Hertz actually charges extra for this "service."

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